About Us
Waste Service Private Limited is a private waste management organization located in Pokhara city, established with the vision to nullify the threats of hazardous biomedical waste for the promotion of health and sustainable environment. It aims to provide a complete and sustainable biomedical solution through its Common Treatment Facility.
Our Mission
Our mission is to become a valued partner to our customers and to make a significant contribution towards preserving environment by providing a common and sustainable solution for biomedical wastes. Installation of individual treatment facilities by small healthcare units.
Our Plan
Protect public health by reducing the impact of exposure of employees, patients, attendants, and entire community to hazardous HCWs. Promote the concept of 3R( Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). Create job opportunities by engaging people in recycling of waste.
Our Vision
The segregated waste at the source are collected when the containers are about three-quarters full and transported to temporary storage site. These containers are labelled with the name of its source in order to trace the waste back to its source if required.
Bio Medical Waste Solution
We provide complete solution for health care facilities to manage medical waste with proper and scientific approach as per the National Health Care Waste Management Guidelines and WHO guidelines.
Consultancy Service
We provide consultancies on any aspect related to health care waste management even if you are using another supplier to handle your waste.
Rising Public Awareness
We organize pubic awareness campaign along with local government, community and organization to overcome waste management issue, health hazard and environmental pollution.
Our Publication
Social Works
Jan 6, 2021, 4:58:12 PM
Jan 6, 2021, 6:23:56 AM
Treatment Facility
Jan 6, 2021, 5:02:20 PM
THE ENTREPRENEUR SANTOSH POUDEL is the founder and CEO of Waste Service Pvt. Ltd in Pokhara. In 2018 he was one of a select group of young innovators invited to address the Science, Technology and Innovation Forum at the United Nations in New...
Santosh Poudel
Founder/CEO 9856032638![](/admin/photo/S33WhkTddfK-RDyKs7OcS1DPub5tQxVc.jpg)
Kishor Poudel
Director 9804128280![](/admin/photo/TpgcjaHyjgi-NxAxiSETI8Cvn_tjnCOA.jpg)
Deepak Adhikari
Technical Advisor 9867661465![](/admin/photo/blAN8k4D8XzqeQvQ2NZY6shY_3SVdaxa.jpg)
Laxmi Prasad Poudel
Operation Director 9802842772![](/admin/photo/MaOSAZkCIn2SK-72v0fhrw1H7XkPU5qZ.jpg)
Parbati Adhikari
Public Health Expert 9846282104![](/admin/photo/dVuPIAZ5M7tPCooohrocTlIl1V2ZGLqG.jpg)
Damodar Parajuli
Finance Officer 9856021191![](/admin/photo/Thonzr-SIetHFtrcVeE3FNnAKNn_CcAP.jpg)
Susmita Acharya
Office Assistant 9846674363![](/admin/photo/-ujoboRwAlo-cdwMaJU_cqDxkw739G4f.jpg)
Deepak Poudel
Account Assistant 9819110103![](/admin/photo/fnrkf6EAIeEkcdV_0PT8nidVqxmbhaIj.jpg)
Santosh Pun Magar
CTF Co-ordinator 9802842773![](/admin/photo/pvv-Wrz8dkPqS_9xDFNJKuVMAIwXNJGQ.jpeg)
Shila Malla
Project Assistant +9779867629977![](/admin/photo/LNww33FLQdm7iUggf-vkZawkbz0pGLFs.jpg)